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Climb Mountains Blog

A writer’s blog-portfolio

Climb Mountains EST. 2018

How My Portfolio Became a Brand

Showing How I Write

I needed examples of my writing for my creative portfolio. The question was: what should I write about? I wanted to pin my abstract ideas to something solid and decided to create the Climb Mountains brand.

Developing a Niche

As a sport that rewards physical strain and mental dedication, cycling has been a source of personal inspiration. I wanted to develop the Climb Mountains brand as a platform to share inspirational cycling stories.

Combining It Into a Brand

Climb Mountains is one part blog and one part portfolio. As a blogfolio, you can find examples of my writing in the portfolio section and see my writing in action on the blog.

About Christian Schick

I got into copywriting after graduating from Liberty University with Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Minor in English. Copywriting was a natural combination of my creative and analytical skillsets. While at Liberty, I raced on the cycling and triathlon teams.


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